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Writer's pictureAngel Samata

Ted Tuesday - Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy argues that "power posing" -- standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don't feel confident -- can boost feelings of confidence, and might have an impact on our chances for success. (Note: Some of the findings presented in this talk have been referenced in an ongoing debate among social scientists about robustness and reproducibility. Read Amy Cuddy's response here:

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20 may

#15 Samata

The video explains how with our body language other can perceive us in many different ways. We can pull of many different looks just by the way we stand or place our hands it is extremely interesting. We do this in rea life all the time by trying assume whether someone is upset or not or even if they are happy today. I chose this video because a expert explains how with body language we can determine whether or not someone is confident

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17 may

#23 Samata

The video "How to Spot a Liar" by Pamela Meyer which is also a TED TALK connects and supports the video above because just like the video said it talks about how some body language shows and describes who you are and how you act, as well as some beliefs people have. With the Ted Talk similarly it talks about body language and with offering insights into how to recognize when someone is lying. Body language has a great role in both videos and they both give you tips and facts.

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14 may

Robinson #20

How you move and hold yourself can really affect how people see you and how you feel about yourself. When you stand up straight and open, it can make you seem confident and strong, which others pick up on. On the other hand, if you're all hunched over or have your arms crossed, it might make you seem closed off. By practicing good body language, like standing tall, you can start feeling more sure of yourself over time. Being aware of how you carry yourself can help you show others who you really are and improve how you connect with them. That's why I chose this photo, it shows how much someone can pick up on based on…

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10 may

#7 Robinson

Amy Cuddys Ted Talk based on body language makes the claim that a strong/powerful pose can increase the feeling of confidence. I, however, can't really relate to this type of feeling. Most of the time I wonder, do I look dumb? How can others feel these feelings when doing a pose, but I can't? I think it's mostly because I always looked down upon myself and never really felt that confident. And, with being insecure, I always wonder how it can be easier for others to not worry about their image or how a pose can express oneself. Because, whenever I try to do some sort of power pose for either photos or whenever I'm around others, I…

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02 may

#7 Robinson

After watching this video, I began to wonder why some people have naturally guarded body language while some naturally have confident body language. Since birth, people have their own distinct body language. I want to know why people who have parents who have very assertive body language, have guarded body language and vice versa. Is body language something that people pick up from their environment or something that they’re born with.

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22 may
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#19 Samata

when the question of natural body language is brought up many people do distinct things when preforming an action. Such a a head tilt when thinking and a empty gaze when distracted much like what is said in "A simple example of body language is a relaxed facial expression that breaks out into a genuine smile – with mouth upturned and eyes wrinkled. Equally, it can be a tilt of the head that shows you're thinking" this shows that most body languages are subconscious and comes from the way they act.

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